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Benefits Of Using A Mobile Vet

August 15, 2023

Does your furry pal get excited when they hear the word ‘vet’? For many of you, the answer to that is likely a no. Coming to the clinic can be stressful for pets! All the strange smells and sounds can make Fido and Fluffy feel quite uneasy. For cats, there’s also the added stress of the car ride. This is one reason many people are opting for mobile vets. However, it isn’t the only reason! Read on as a local Yorkville, IL vet lists some of the key benefits of having your vet that visit you.

Less Schedule Disruptions

Many of us are always on the go these days, juggling jobs, families, social events, and other obligations. Having your veterinarian come to you allows you the opportunity to spend more of your time at home and less of it running around.

Easier For Multiples

Do you have more than one furry friend? You may find home visits are much easier for you. You won’t have to book multiple appointments or deal with the hassle of getting all of your animal companions ready for travel at the same time.

No Corralling Your Furry Friends

It’s not always easy getting Fido and Fluffy to the vet. Many of our feline friends tend to bolt for their favorite hiding spots the second they spot their travel crates. A mobile vet can spare you the hassle of getting your cat out from under the bed. (Note: you may still need to take steps to contain her, such as closing bedroom doors.)

Keeping A Pet Comfortable

This is a big one. We understand that pets are always going to be more comfortable in their own domains. This is particularly important for older animals, and those with chronic pain. For some of our furry patients, even being picked up can cause discomfort!

A Dignified Farewell

This last reason may be bittersweet. It’s never easy to realize that the time has come for a beloved furry friend to cross over the Rainbow Bridge. Unfortunately, that moment is inevitable for all pet owners. That said, giving your pet the chance to close their eyes while feeling comfortable and loved in their own home can make the experience much less traumatic for both of you.

Our Advice on Benefits Of Using A Mobile Vet in 2024

What is a mobile vet service?

A mobile vet service is a veterinary practice that comes directly to your home to provide medical care for your pets. This convenient service eliminates the need for transportation to a clinic, reducing stress for both pets and their owners. Mobile vets are equipped to offer a range of services, including exams, vaccinations, and even end-of-life care, in the comfort and familiarity of your pet’s own environment. Ideal for busy families, multiple-pet households, and pets with mobility issues, mobile vet services ensure your animals receive high-quality veterinary care with minimal disruption to your schedule.

Can a mobile vet perform euthanasia at home?

Yes, a mobile vet can perform euthanasia at home, offering a peaceful and dignified way for pets to pass in the comfort of their familiar surroundings. This service allows pets to avoid the stress of a final car ride and clinic visit, surrounded by their loving family. It’s a compassionate option that many pet owners choose to minimize their beloved animal’s anxiety and discomfort in their final moments. Mobile vets provide this service with the utmost sensitivity and respect, ensuring a serene farewell for pets.

What services do mobile vets typically offer?

Mobile vets typically offer a wide range of veterinary services directly to your home, including wellness exams, vaccinations, microchipping, parasite control, minor sick visits, management of chronic conditions, medication administration, and laboratory work like blood tests. Some also provide more specialized services such as dental care, ultrasound, and at-home euthanasia. The goal is to provide convenient, less stressful veterinary care for pets and their owners, particularly for those with mobility issues, multiple pets, or animals that experience anxiety when visiting a traditional clinic.

Are there any limitations to what a mobile vet can do compared to a traditional clinic?

Yes, there are some limitations to what a mobile vet can do compared to a traditional clinic. While mobile vets can offer a wide range of services, including examinations, vaccinations, and euthanasia, they may be limited in their ability to perform more complex diagnostics and surgeries that require specialized equipment and facilities, such as X-rays, major surgical procedures, and intensive hospitalization. For these more complex needs, a pet may still need to be referred to a traditional veterinary clinic or animal hospital with the necessary infrastructure.

What should you prepare at home for a mobile vet visit?

For a mobile vet visit, prepare a quiet, well-lit space where the vet can examine your pet without distractions. Ensure all pets are present and easily accessible, especially if they’re prone to hiding. Gather any medical records, medication, and a summary of your pet’s health concerns or behaviors. If applicable, have a list of questions or topics you’d like to discuss. For cats or small animals, consider having their carrier nearby for containment if needed. Creating a calm environment helps make the visit smooth for your pet, the vet, and you.

Do you have questions about our mobile service? Please contact us, your local Yorkville, IL animal clinic, today!

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