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Reasons To Brush Your Cat

February 15, 2023

One of the many things that we love about our feline friends is the fact that they are so clean. Fluffy will take time away from her busy napping schedule to groom herself every day. However, that doesn’t mean she can’t still use some help with her beauty routine. In fact, brushing her regularly can be very beneficial. A Lasalle County, IL vet lists some reasons why in this article.


This one mostly applies to longhaired cats. Fluffy can have a hard time managing all that fur by herself, and may be prone to getting tangles and mats. The areas around her ‘armpits’ and bottom are particularly susceptible. Just keep in mind that kitties have very delicate skin. Use the right type of brush, and take care not to pull too hard. Otherwise, you could hurt your kitty!

Comfy Kitty

Dead fur and dander can interfere with the insulating properties of your feline pal’s coat. Removing it will help keep her warmer in winter and cooler in summer.


Fluffy has very pretty fur, which she is apparently determined to share with us. Brushing your cat will also help with this. You’ll also find less fur all over, well, everything, as you’ll be grabbing it with a brush before it gets stuck to your favorite shirt.


Kitties inevitably swallow some of their own fur when cleaning themselves. We all know what happens next. (Suffice it to say, it’s not Fluffy’s cutest trick.) Removing that dead fur is also helpful in this aspect. Less dead fur on your cat means less dead fur in your cat.

Health Checks

When you brush your furry friend, you have a great chance to discreetly and casually check her body condition. Be on the alert for warning signs, such as lumps, bumps, lesions, swelling, and sore spots, which could indicate medical issues.


Some cats just have a hard time cleaning themselves, whether it’s due to age, obesity, or chronic pain or stiffness. Helping Fluffy out will keep her coat feeling clean and comfy.  


Our feline overlords absolutely love being pampered, and they are very, very good at getting us to spoil them. Fluffy may actually love being brushed … once she understands that it’s a beauty treatment, not punishment.

Our Advice on Reasons To Brush Your Cat in 2024

Are there any areas of a cat’s body that require special attention or techniques when brushing?

When brushing a cat, special attention and gentle techniques are needed for areas like the armpits, belly, and around the bottom, as these spots are prone to tangles and mats. Use a soft brush and avoid pulling to prevent skin irritation. Regularly check for lumps, bumps, or sores, particularly in these sensitive regions. For longhaired cats, be extra careful with the undercoat to prevent matting. Brushing in the direction of hair growth helps maintain comfort and prevents discomfort. Ensuring a gentle, thorough approach keeps the cat’s coat healthy and mat-free.

How can owners introduce brushing to cats who may be resistant or unfamiliar with the process?

Introducing brushing to cats who are resistant or unfamiliar with the process requires patience and positive reinforcement. Start by letting the cat sniff and explore the brush, rewarding with treats and gentle praise. Gradually incorporate short brushing sessions, focusing on less sensitive areas like the back. Use slow, gentle strokes, and avoid forcing the brush if the cat becomes agitated. Over time, increase the duration and cover more areas. Consistent, calm interactions help the cat associate brushing with positive experiences, making the routine more acceptable and enjoyable.

Can brushing help prevent or manage other coat-related issues?

Brushing can significantly help prevent and manage coat-related issues in cats. Regular brushing removes dead fur and dander, reducing the risk of mats and tangles, especially in longhaired breeds. It also minimizes shedding and the ingestion of fur, which decreases hairball formation. Additionally, brushing distributes natural oils throughout the coat, promoting a healthy, shiny appearance. It allows owners to detect early signs of skin conditions, parasites, or other health concerns. Overall, consistent brushing enhances the cat’s comfort, hygiene, and overall coat health.

How can owners safely and effectively remove mats or tangles from their cat’s coat?

To safely and effectively remove mats or tangles from a cat’s coat, owners should use a detangling spray and a wide-toothed comb or mat splitter. Gently hold the mat at the base to avoid pulling on the skin, and work from the edges toward the center. For severe mats, cut them with blunt-ended scissors, keeping the blade parallel to the skin to prevent injury. Regular, gentle brushing can prevent future mats. If mats are extensive or the cat is highly stressed, seeking professional grooming or veterinary assistance is recommended.

Are there any dietary or environmental factors that can impact a cat’s coat health and shedding?

Dietary and environmental factors significantly impact a cat’s coat health and shedding. A balanced diet rich in essential fatty acids, particularly omega-3 and omega-6, promotes a healthy, shiny coat and reduces excessive shedding. High-quality protein sources are crucial for maintaining strong, vibrant fur. Environmental factors, such as indoor heating, humidity, and exposure to allergens, can also affect the coat. Ensuring regular grooming, a nutritious diet, and a stable, clean environment helps maintain optimal coat health and minimizes shedding issues. Consulting with a veterinarian for personalized dietary recommendations is beneficial.

As your Lasalle County, IL animal clinic, we are dedicated to offering top-notch care. Contact us anytime!

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