All animals should be vaccinated, as it not only protects them against many serious health issues, but it also helps to prevent widespread disease amongst other animals as well as humans. Even for some formerly prevalent ailments that have become less common, it’s still recommended that pets be vaccinated against them to keep those issues at bay.
At Safford Veterinary Services, we want to contribute to the important topic of keeping as many animals within our community up to date on their required vaccinations. In particular, we want to make sure that all companion animals receive a vaccine to help minimize the spread of rabies. As such, we are happy to provide monthly low-cost vaccine clinics at the following locations:
4287 Eldamain Rd., Plano, IL
Every Wednesday 9pm – 5pm
Grundy County Animal Control
310 E. Dupont Rd., Morris, IL
*2nd Tuesday of every month 11am – 3pm
For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call or text our care team at (331) 212-0836.
Safford Veterinary Services
Business Hours
Monday-Friday: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Sat & Sun: By appointment only