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Cats and Stress: Helping Fluffy Relax

July 1, 2024

One can easily make jokes about the seemingly cold and distant nature of cats. Fluffy does have a tendency to bite playfully, and she often presents her beloved humans with deceased creatures as a token of gratitude for the nourishment, playthings, treats, and cozy laps they provide. However, not all of our feline pals are aloof. In fact, kitties are incredibly emotional creatures. Similar to humans, they can experience feelings of loneliness, grief, fear, anxiety, and everyday stress. This article delves into the topic of stress in cats, as discussed by a local Plano, IL vet.

How Will I Know If My Cat Is Stressed?

Although Fluffy is unable to communicate her feelings to you verbally, you may still get an idea of her overall attitude and state of mind if you pay attention to her. Pay close attention to behavioral cues.

Here are some examples:

  • Hiding
  • Avoiding Contact
  • Avoiding Litterbox
  • Excessive grooming
  • Consuming non-edible substances
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Panting
  • Unusual or excessive vocalization.
  • Over-attachment
  • Pacing
  • Anxiety
  • Aggression
  • Spraying
  • Weight Loss Or Gain

Observing Fluffy’s attitude and body language can provide valuable insights. Cats that are feeling anxious often have dilated pupils and may lick their noses. Additionally, they might flatten their ears against their head and tuck their whiskers back. Their tails may hang down or be kept close to their bodies. Fluffy is likely to crouch or hunch over, and may sit in a ‘loaf’ position instead of lounging on the back of the couch like a relaxed furball would. 

Many of these things can be signs of illness. Have Fluffy examined by her vet to rule out any potential medical issues.

How Do You Calm A Stressed Cat?

There are steps you can take to make Fluffy feel more comfortable. Of course, you should also try to figure out why your cat is so stressed. Dealing with a nervous rescue cat that is still learning to trust requires a slightly different approach compared to a kitty who is terrified of your neighbor’s dog.

If you have other pets and know or believe there is conflict between them, you may need to take extra precautions. One critical aspect is guaranteeing that there are sufficient resources for all of your animals. Make certain that Fluffy does not have to contend with her roommates for resources such as food, water, toys, or space in the litterbox. Ask your Plano, IL veterinarian for further details.

How Do I Make My Home Comfy For Fluffy?

Creating a cozy and enjoyable environment for Fluffy can make a significant difference. It is important to create an environment that ensures your anxious pet feels safe and secure. Luckily, transforming your home into a luxurious palace for your feline friend is a breeze.

TLC: First and foremost, ensure that your kitty is receiving excellent care. Ensuring your furry friend receives good food, fresh water, a clean litterbox, and regular veterinary care are all essential components of a proper kitty-care routine. It’s worth noting that nervous cats may fare better with house calls, which we do offer for certain appointments. Ask your vet for specific advice.

Napping Spots: Provide your furry friend with plenty of cozy places to rest and relax. Cats aren’t very particular about where they sleep. Store-bought beds are acceptable, but Fluffy is equally happy to snuggle up on a neatly folded blanket or a soft pillow nestled in a charming wicker basket. (You may also find her in the laundry basket or linen closet, but that’s another topic.) 

Hiding Places: Nervous cats frequently seek refuge in safe and secure environments. Many cats prefer confined spaces because they feel most secure when nothing can surprise them. Fluffy might enjoy a cozy kitty condo or a cat tower with enclosed areas. Additionally, you can provide boxes and create cozy spaces for your pet beneath the bed or behind the couch. 

Purrniture: We also suggest getting your nervous pet a cat tower that provides vertical space. Fluffy’s perspective is limited when she’s on the ground, so she likes to find a higher spot where she can keep an eye on her surroundings. 

Little Things: Your furry companion will also appreciate the little things, such as keeping a light and radio on when you’re away. Catnip can also be a great way to make Fluffy feel  happy and safe.

Scratching Posts: Fluffy has a deep-rooted instinct to take care of her claws. This is understandable: ultimately, her survival in the wilderness depends on those sharp little nails. Scratching can be a soothing experience for Fluffy. Offer a tower, post, or board for your feline companion to do her nails on.

Window Seat: Offering your feline pal a window seat with a good view can be a small but important way to keep that little motor going. Fluffy thoroughly enjoys basking in the sun, taking peaceful naps, and observing the local wildlife.

Toys And Playtime: Providing entertainment and activity can be very beneficial in reducing kitties’ stress levels. Running for that elusive red dot or pouncing on a catnip mouse can provide Fluffy with a way to release any pent-up nervous energy she may have. She will naturally feel more relaxed afterward, simply because she’ll be tired. This is similar to someone going for a run to release the stress of a difficult day. In addition, when you make an effort to play with your pet, she will recognize that you are doing something for her. That will help her feel loved and protected.

Playing can also boost your furry friend’s self-assurance. Kitties need to really concentrate in order to coordinate those complex run and pounce combinations. Mastering a complex pounce can give your pet a boost of self-esteem. Think of this as the kitty version of getting straight A’s.

Pet Calming Medication/Products: Medication may be beneficial for some of our feline friends. There are also products available that can help. Ask your vet for personalized advice and recommendations. Don’t give Fluffy anything unless her doctor approves it.

Constant Routine: Fluffy won’t require any walks and will effortlessly manage her own schedule of 43 daily naps, but it would be helpful to maintain a regular schedule for both mealtimes and playtimes. Pets always feel more secure on a steady agenda.

Love: Don’t forget to show your feline companion just how much you care. It’s important to make her feel loved without being too pushy. Small gestures like giving her a gentle boop on the forehead as you walk by, talking to her, offering treats, and allowing her to cuddle up with you at night can all contribute to her sense of being loved and get that motor going.

What Causes Stress in Cats?

Many things can cause Fluffy to experience stress. Significant changes, like relocating, introducing a new pet to the household, or a change in ownership, can be quite challenging for cats. It’s possible that Fluffy is feeling scared because of previous injuries or experiences. Our feline friends can become unsettled by loud noises. Another significant issue is conflicts with other pets. Sickness, age-related changes, boredom, and discomfort are other possible causes.

If you’re unsure about the cause of your pet’s stress, it’s best to consult with your Plano, IL veterinarian.

Schedule an Appointment at Our Plano, IL Pet Clinic

Is it necessary to schedule an appointment at our Plano, IL pet hospital? Feel free to reach out to us at your nearby animal clinic today!

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