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5 Things You Learn When You Adopt A Rescue Cat 

March 15, 2023

March is Adopt A Rescue Cat Month. We’re all on board with this awareness event. Many of our patients are rescue cats that are now living their best nine lives as pampered pets! As it turns out, giving that one special furball a loving home can be a beautiful and transformative experience for both you and your feline buddy. A local Lasalle County, IL vet lists some things that you learn when you take in a homeless kitty in this article.

Cats Are All Unique

Whether you’ve had kitties your entire life, or are just now delving into the fun and insert of being owned by a furball, one thing is certain: your feline pal will have her own unique personality, and will be very different from any other cat you’ve had. It’s always fun getting to know a new cat. Maybe your new pet has an obsession with shredding toilet paper, or loves getting belly rubs. 

Helping Animals Feels Great

Many people insist that the pets they have rescued have actually helped them in turn. It truly does feel wonderful to help a sweet kitty in need, and know that you’ve made a difference in her life. Fluffy’s love and friendship can be very comforting, which is especially helpful for anyone battling anxiety, loneliness, or depression.

Kitties Know Who’s Helped Them

Don’t be surprised if your new pet soon decides that you are the best thing since sliced bread. Cats tend to be very adoring and appreciative of those who have been kind to them. That special bond of love, trust, and appreciation that grows between kitties and their caretakers is truly special.

Cats Are Adorable

Kitties’ furry faces, loving purrs, and playful antics are truly unique charms. Our feline buddies really never stop warming our hearts. Fluffy is bound to keep you smiling with her silly antics and lovable quirks! 

Love Changes Everything

One of the truly amazing things about our furry friends is their ability to provide us with unconditional love and friendship. Cats may be confusing, but there’s no mistaking their head bonks and snuggles for anything other than love. (Fluffy’s habit of offering love bites can be purrplexing, but that’s another topic.)

Our Advice on Things You Learn When You Adopt A Rescue Cat in 2024

What are the specific challenges that rescue cats may face when adjusting to a new home environment?

Rescue cats, when adjusting to new home environments, may encounter several challenges, including anxiety, trust issues, and health problems stemming from past neglect or trauma. Their unique histories can lead to behaviors such as hiding, aggression, or fear of certain stimuli. Additionally, they might have dietary sensitivities or require medical treatment for unresolved conditions. It’s crucial for adopters to provide a stable, patient, and understanding environment, allowing these cats time to acclimate at their own pace. Regular veterinary check-ups are essential to address any health concerns and ensure a smooth transition.

Are there any health issues that are more common in rescue cats compared to cats from breeders or pet stores?

Rescue cats often come from environments where they may not have received optimal care, making them more susceptible to certain health issues compared to cats obtained from breeders or pet stores. These can include upper respiratory infections, fleas, ear mites, and stress-related disorders. They might also be more prone to developing dental problems and have a higher risk of carrying Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) or Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV). It’s highly recommended for adopters to bring their new rescue cat to a veterinary clinic, such as ours in Plano, IL, for a comprehensive health evaluation and to establish a preventive care plan.

What are some signs that a rescue cat may have experienced trauma or abuse in the past?

Rescue cats that have experienced trauma or abuse may exhibit signs such as excessive fear or aggression towards humans and other animals, hiding for prolonged periods, hypersensitivity to touch or sound, and abnormal eating or grooming behaviors. They might also show signs of depression, such as lack of interest in play or interaction, and could display defensive actions, including hissing or swatting without apparent provocation. Sudden panic attacks or avoidance of certain situations or objects that may remind them of past abuse are also common indicators of trauma in felines.

How can adopters help their rescue cat socialize with other pets and family members?

To help a rescue cat socialize with other pets and family members, adopters should introduce them gradually and in controlled environments. Start by keeping the rescue cat in a separate room, allowing them to adjust to their new surroundings. Slowly introduce the scent of other pets and family members by swapping bedding or toys. For face-to-face introductions, use short, supervised sessions, ensuring all animals are calm. Reward calm and curious behaviors with treats and praise to reinforce positive interactions. Consistency and patience are key, as trust and comfort levels build over time.

Are there any long-term benefits to adopting a rescue cat, both for the cat?

Adopting a rescue cat offers significant long-term benefits for both the cat and the adopter. For the cat, adoption provides a second chance at life in a loving, secure environment, improving their overall well-being and longevity. It also reduces the strain on shelters, potentially saving other animals by freeing up resources. For the adopter, rescue cats can offer companionship, reduce stress, and promote a sense of fulfillment from making a positive impact. Studies suggest that the bond formed with a rescue cat can enhance the owner’s mental and emotional health, fostering a mutually beneficial relationship.

Do you have questions about your pet’s health or care? We can help! Contact us, your local Lasalle County, IL animal clinic, today!

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