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Petproofing for Kittens

December 22, 2022

Have you recently adopted a new kitten? Congratulations! Baby cats are almost impossibly cute. Little Fluffy is bound to keep you smiling over the next few months. However, you will need to take steps to keep your frisky ball of fur safe. As your feline pal is learning how to use those claws and teeth, she’ll want to practice her lion skills on, well, everything. This can be quite dangerous! A Lasalle County, IL lists some kitten safety hazards you’ll want to address in this article.

Ropes And Cords

Cats often cannot resist anything with strings or cords. This is quite dangerous, as your fuzzy little friend can easily get tangled up. She could also choke on these items if she tries to eat them. Keep things like drape cords and other ropy/stringy items out of paws’ reach. You’ll also want to put string toys away after kitty playtime is over.


Many cats are for some reason drawn to the taste and/or texture of plastics. You definitely don’t want your feline friend choking on a wrapper, or getting stuck inside a plastic bag! 

Small/Sharp Objects

Anything small or sharp is a definite no. This includes things like thumb tacks, safety pins, craft kit pieces, jewelry, beads, buttons, and small toys. Keep these things well out of reach of those tiny paws!


Little Fluffy will want to investigate absolutely everything about her new kingdom. That sense of adventure can lead your pint-sized panther into serious trouble! Keep major appliances, such as toilets and dryers, closed when you aren’t using them.


Kittens can fit into some pretty small spaces. Make sure that your ducts and windows close securely, and block off small holes behind and beneath furniture and cabinets.


Pesticides, household cleaning products, paint, drain openers, glue, lawn/garden chemicals, and automotive products are just a few of the things that are toxic to our furry friends. Little Fluffy can ingest these dangerous toxins just by walking through a puddle and then licking her paws.


Many popular plants are poisonous to our feline overlords. Make sure to only keep pet-safe plants within your tiny furball’s reach. You can find a full list at the ASPCA website here.

Our Advice on Petproofing for Kittens in 2024

Are there specific types of furniture or household items that pose greater risks to kittens?

Certain types of furniture and household items pose significant risks to kittens due to their curious and exploratory nature. Tall furniture can be hazardous if a kitten attempts to climb and falls, potentially causing injury. Recliners and rocking chairs also present a danger, as kittens can get trapped or crushed underneath moving parts. Additionally, household items like string lights, candles, and plants (especially lilies and other toxic varieties) can be harmful if chewed on or ingested. It’s essential to kitten-proof your home, securing or removing items that could lead to accidents or health issues.

What are some effective ways to redirect a kitten’s natural curiosity and desire to play/chew on unsafe items?

To redirect a kitten’s curiosity and penchant for chewing on unsafe items, provide a variety of safe, engaging toys and scratching posts. Interactive toys that mimic prey, such as feather wands or laser pointers, can satisfy their hunting instincts. Puzzle feeders also offer mental stimulation. Establishing a routine playtime helps channel energy constructively. For chewing, offer kitten-safe chew toys or small, soft catnip toys. Regularly rotating these toys can keep the kitten’s interest peaked, preventing boredom and reducing the likelihood they’ll seek out inappropriate items to chew or play with.

Are there any particular rooms or areas of the home that are more hazardous for kittens and should be off-limits?

Certain rooms and areas in the home pose greater hazards for kittens and should ideally be off-limits or carefully monitored. The kitchen contains numerous dangers, including hot surfaces, sharp objects, and potentially toxic foods. Bathrooms also present risks, such as open toilets and accessible cleaning products. Laundry rooms with appliances like washers and dryers can be perilous if a kitten climbs inside. Garages and basements often contain chemicals, tools, and small spaces where kittens could get trapped or ingest harmful substances. Securing these areas can prevent accidents and ensure the kitten’s safety.

At what age or developmental stage can most kitten-proofing measures be relaxed or removed?

Most kitten-proofing measures can be relaxed or removed as the cat matures beyond the kitten stage, typically around the age of one year. By this time, they have usually outgrown their most intensely curious and rambunctious phase, reducing the risk of injury from exploring dangerous areas or chewing on inappropriate items. However, individual temperament and behavior play a significant role, and some cats may require certain safeguards longer. It’s crucial to observe the cat’s behavior and adjust the environment accordingly to ensure their ongoing safety.

Are there any specific signs or behaviors that may indicate a kitten has ingested something toxic or hazardous?

Signs that a kitten has ingested something toxic or hazardous include vomiting, diarrhea, excessive drooling, lethargy, difficulty breathing, and sudden changes in behavior such as increased aggression or extreme lethargy. You may also observe seizures, tremors, or uncoordinated movement as indicators of poisoning. Loss of appetite and changes in drinking habits can occur too. Immediate veterinary care is crucial upon noticing these symptoms, as they can escalate quickly in kittens due to their smaller size and developing immune systems. Prompt intervention can be life-saving.

As your Lasalle County, IL animal clinic, we love meeting new kittens and helping them grow into happy, healthy adults. Please contact us anytime!

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